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Sulayman Shoala - Thesis prize in Materials, Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Electrochemistry


​Sulayman Shoala, who defended his thesis at LRTH on heat input in accident situations in forced convection circuits, won the thesis prize in the MGE speciality awarded by the I-MEP2 doctoral school.

Published on 11 June 2024
The thesis subject of Sulayman was: Experimental and numerical study of accidental heat inputs in cryogenic devices of large instruments. The aim of his thesis was to perform experimental measurements of the heat flux received by supercritical helium flowing in tubes, following the loss of vacuum. For this purpose, the experimental platform HELIOS coupled to the DSBT refrigerator (known as the 400 W station) has been modified to include a test section and perform loss of vacuum test. The experimental set up has been modelled with the thermal hydraulic code CATHARE. This code was used firstly to check the appropriateness of the design of the new HELIOS loop and then to understand the heat transfer phenomena involved. ​Two experimental campaigns have been carry out to the measure the heat flux.
This thesis was supervised by Frédéric Ayela at the LRTH. Éric Ercolani and Jean-Marc Poncet were the co-supervisors.

Watch the video of Sulayman explaining the subject of his thesis.

Congratulations on this prize awarded by the I-MEP2 doctoral school (Engineering - Materials, mechanics, environment, energy, processes, production) of the doctoral college of the University of Grenoble-Alpes.

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