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Lionel Duband receives the William E. Gifford Award from the American Cryogenic Society

​Lionel Duband and his team were awarded the 2015 William E. Gifford Award by the Cryogenic Society of America (CSA). This prize rewards the team working on project ArTeMis within Inac's Low Temperatures Department.

Published on 14 September 2015
ArTeMis (Bolometers Architecture for Large Field of View Ground-Based Telescopes in the Sub-millimeter) is a new submillimeter camera developed jointly by Irfu and Inac and installed inside the APEX telescope (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment), in Chile. This camera simultaneously scans the sky at three different wavelengths, namely 200, 350, and 450 μm. Bolometric detectors cooled to 300 mK are used in the camera, which is integrated in an original cryostat entirely developed at Inac.

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