LEA Publications from 2010 to 2017
Published on 7 October 2020
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Fixed-point based hierarchical MPC control design for a cryogenic refrigerator
Alamir M, Bonnay P, Bonne F and Trinh VV
Journal of Process Control 58 (2017) 117-130
Status of the SPIRAL 2 LINAC cryogenic system
Ghribi A, Bernaudin PE, Vassal A and Bonne F
Cryogenics 85 (2017) 44-50
HAL <hal-01642574>
Design, Test, and Validation of Thermometric Chains for ITER Magnets
Manzagol J, Attard A, Bizel-Bizellot L, Bonnay P, Devred A, Girard A, Huygen S, Journeaux JY and Luchier N
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (2016) 4204405
Proton Acceleration Driven by a Nanosecond Laser from a Cryogenic Thin Solid-Hydrogen Ribbon
Margarone D, Velyhan A, Dostal J, Ullschmied J, Perin J-P, Chatain D, Garcia Sp, Bonnay P, Pisarczyk T, Dudzak R, et al.
Physical Review X 6 (2016) 041030
HAL <hal-01641437>
Nonlinear observer of the thermal loads applied to the helium bath of a cryogenic Joule-Thompson cycle
Bonne F, Alamir M and Bonnay P
Journal of Process Control 24 (2014) 73-80
Superfluid high REynolds von Karman experiment
Rousset B, Bonnay P, Diribarne P, Girard A, Poncet JM, Herbert E, Salort J, Baudet C, Castaing B, Chevillard L, et al.
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (2014) 103908
Probing quantum and classical turbulence analogy in von Karman liquid helium, nitrogen, and water experiments
Saint-Michel B, Herbert E, Salort J, Baudet C, Mardion MB, Bonnay P, Bourgoin M, Castaing B, Chevillard L, Daviaud F, et al.
Physics of Fluids 26 (2014) 125109
Investigations of pulsed heat loads on a forced flow supercritical helium loop - Part A: Experimental set up
Hoa C, Bon-Mardion M, Bonnay P, Charvin P, Cheynel JN, Lagier B, Michel F, Monteiro L, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Rousset B, Vallcorba-Carbonell R
Cryogenics 52 (2012) 340-348
Multivariable control architecture for a cryogenic test facility under high pulsed loads: Model derivation, control design and experimental validation
Clavel F, Alamir M, Bonnay P, Barraud A, Bornard G, Deschildre C
Journal of Process Control 21 (2011) 1030-1039
The Herschel-SPIRE instrument and its in-flight performance
Griffin MJ, Abergel A, Abreu A, Ade PAR, Andre P, Augueres JL, Babbedge T, Bae Y, Baillie T, Baluteau JP, Barlow MJ, Bendo G, Benielli D, Bock JJ, Bonhomme P, Brisbin D, Brockley-Blatt C, Caldwell M, Cara C, Castro-Rodriguez N, Cerulli R, Chanial P, Chen S, Clark E, Clements DL, Clerc L, Coker J, Communal D, Conversi L, Cox P, Crumb D, Cunningham C, Daly F, Davis GR, De Antoni P, Delderfield J, Devin N, Di Giorgio A, Didschuns I, Dohlen K, Donati M, Dowell A, Dowell CD, Duband L, Dumaye L, Emery RJ, Ferlet M, Ferrand D, Fontignie J, Fox M, Franceschini A, Frerking M, Fulton T, Garcia J, Gastaud R, Gear WK, Glenn J, Goizel A, Griffin DK, Grundy T, Guest S, Guillemet L, Hargrave PC, Harwit M, Hastings P, Hatziminaoglou E, Herman M, Hinde B, Hristov V, Huang M, Imhof P, Isaak KJ, Israelsson U, Ivison RJ, Jennings D, Kiernan B, King KJ, Lange AE, Latter W, Laurent G, Laurent P, Leeks SJ, Lellouch E, Levenson L, Li B, Li J, Lilienthal J, Lim T, Liu SJ, Lu N, Madden S, Mainetti G, Marliani P, McKay D, Mercier K, Molinari S, Morris H, Moseley H, Mulder J, Mur M, Naylor DA, Nguyen H, O'Halloran B, Oliver S, Olofsson G, Olofsson HG, Orfei R, Page MJ, Pain I, Panuzzo P, Papageorgiou A, Parks G, Parr-Burman P, Pearce A, Pearson C, Perez-Fournon I, Pinsard F, Pisano G, Podosek J, Pohlen M, Polehampton ET, Pouliquen D, Rigopoulou D, Rizzo D, Roseboom IG, Roussel H, Rowan-Robinson M, Rownd B, Saraceno P, Sauvage M, Savage R, Savini G, Sawyer E, Scharmberg C, Schmitt D, Schneider N, Schulz B, Schwartz A, Shafer R, Shupe DL, Sibthorpe B, Sidher S, Smith A, Smith AJ, Smith D, Spencer L, Stobie B, Sudiwala R, Sukhatme K, Surace C, Stevens JA, Swinyard BM, Trichas M, Tourette T, Triou H, Tseng S, Tucker C, Turner A, Vaccari M, Valtchanov I, Vigroux L, Virique E, Voellmer G, Walker H, Ward R, Waskett T, Weilert M, Wesson R, White GJ, Whitehouse N, Wilson CD, Winter B, Woodcraft AL, Wright GS, Xu CK, Zavagno A, Zemcov M, Zhang L, Zonca E
Astronomy & Astrophysics 518 (2010) L3
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