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Liquefaction, Refrigeration and Characterization Laboratory (LLRC)

Published on 26 October 2022
Head of LLRC

Pascal Roussel
Département des Systèmes Basses Températures (DSBT)
Laboratoire Liquéfaction, Réfrigération et Caractérisation (LLRC)
17 avenue des Martyrs
38 054 Grenoble cedex 9
Phone: 04 38 78 45 24
Fax: 04 38 78 50 84

The role of our group is to supply all users of the CEA, the ILL (Institut Laue Langevin) or the ESRF (European Synchotron Radiation Facility) in cryogenic fluids. Certain gases are liquified on the center, others are directly bought to the industrialists...

The distribution of 204.000 helium L is ensured by:
• Two helium liquefiers of a capacity 115 liters/hour
• a storage tank of 20.000 liters
• a park of 110 cryogenic muds (100 or 250 liters)s)
• a network of gas helium recovery: 14 compressors 8 km of lines high pressure (200 bars) Storage high pressure of a volume of 25 000 m3 TPN (1 liter of liquid = 750 liters of gas TPN).