Full description of the subject The space mission LiteBIRD will mapping the polarized cosmological microwave background emitted in the first moments of the universe. To reach the necessary sensitivity, the detectors are operating in space – in a satellite - and at cryogenic temperatures: 100 mK (-273°C). These very low temperatures can be reached using magnetic refrigeration (or ADR – adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator). CEA/DSBT has been doing research on this technique since several years and we are identified as the provider for the cooler for the LiteBIRD mission. It is crucial to optimize the cooler design to fit the mission needs as best as possible.
This internship will focus on the experimental characterization of a magnetic ooler. A demonstrator is currently being assembled at the laboratory and i twill be characterized and its operation optimzed. The work will consist in acquisition of experimental data and their interpretation. A clear understanding of the driving physical phenomena is necessary.
The work will consist in :
- Study and understanding of the cooler
- Understanding and first steps on the experimental operation of the demonstrator and the test bench (LabVIEW)
- Implementation of dedicated experiments
- Data analysis and physical interpreration to improve modelling. Possible use of Python
- Report, possibly leading to a publication
Requested skillsThermique, expérimentation, LabVIEW, Python
Keywords Magnetic refrigeration, thermal engineering, cryogenics engineering
ContactDUVAL Jean-Marc Phone: 04 38 78 46 29