Model-based minimization algorithm of a supercritical helium loop consumption subject to operational constraints
Bonne F, Bonnay P, Girard A, Hoa C, Lacroix B, Coz QL, Nicollet S, Poncet JM and Zani L
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC (Madison, US, July 9-13,2017)
Model-based PI tuning for the JT-60SA cryogenic system: experimental results
Bonne F, Hoa C, Bonnay P and Girard A
Comm. Poster: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC (Madison, US, July 9-13,2017)
Performance of the JT-60SA cryogenic system under pulsed heat loads during acceptance tests
Hoa C, Bonne F, Roussel P, Lamaison V, Girard S, Fejoz P, Goncalves R, Vallet JC, Legrand J, Fabre Y, et al.
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC (Madison, US, July 9-13,2017)
Behaviour of ITER flowmeters under operating conditions: simulation and experimentation
Poncet J-M, Bonne F, Bonnay P, Varin S, Clayton N and Journeaux J-Y
Comm. Poster: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC (Madison, US, July 9-13,2017)
Installation and Pre-commissioning of the Cryogenic System of JT-60SA tolamak
Hoa C, Michel F, Roussel P, Fejoz P, Girard S, Goncalves R, Lamaison V, Natsume K, Kizu K, Koide Y, et al.
Comm. Invitée: 26th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (New Delhi, India, March 7-11, 2016)
Cryogenic instrumentation for ITER magnets
Poncet J-M, Manzagol J, Attard A, André J, Bizel-Bizellot L, Bonnay P, Ercolani E, Luchier N, Girard A, Clayton N, et al.
Comm. Poster: 26th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (New Delhi, India, March 7-11, 2016)
Series Supply of Cryogenic Venturi Flowmeters for the ITER Project
Andre J, Poncet JM, Ercolani E, Clayton N and Journeaux JY
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC / International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC (Tucson, AZ, June 28-July 2, 2015)
Local velocity measurements in the Shrek experiment at high reynolds number
Baudet C, Bon-Mardion M, Bonnay P, Braslau A, Castaing B, Chillà F, Chevillard L, Daviaud F, Diribarne P, Dubrulle B, et al.
Comm. Orale: 15th EuropeanTurbulence Conference (Delft, Netherlands, August 25-28, 2015)
HAL <cea-01370530>
A Simulink Library of cryogenic components to automatically generate control schemes for large Cryorefrigerators
Bonne F, Alamir M, Hoa C, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M and Monteiro L
Comm. Poster: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC / International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC (Tucson, AZ, June 28-July 2, 2015)
Dynamic simulations of the cryogenic system of a tokamak
Cirillo R, Hoa C, Michel F, Poncet JM and Rousset B
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC / International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC (Tucson, AZ, June 28-July 2, 2015)
Dynamic simulations of the cryogenic system of a tokamak
Cirillo R, Hoa C, Michel F, Rousset B and Poncet J-M
Comm. Orale: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum ENYGF (Paris, France, June 22-26, 2015)
Dynamic Simulations of a tokamak cryogenic system
Cirillo R, Hoa C, Michel F, Rousset B and Poncet J-M
Comm. Orale: CHATS on Applied Supercondusctivity (Bologna, Italy, September 14-16, 2015)
Experimental characterization of the ITER TF structure cooling in HELIOS test facility
Hoa C, Rousset B, Lacroix B, Nicollet S, Vallcorba R, Bessette D, Vostner A and Gauthier F
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC / International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC (Tucson, AZ, June 28-July 2, 2015)
Cryogenic turbulence test facilities at CEA/SBT
Rousset B, Baudet C, Bon Mardion M, Bourgoin M, Braslau A, Daviaud F, Diribarne P, Dubrulle B, Gagne Y, Gallet B, et al.
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC / International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC (Tucson, AZ, June 28-July 2, 2015)
Development of a 4K Pulse-Tube Cold Finger for Space Applications
Charrier A, Charles I, Rousset B, Daniel C and Duval J-M
Comm. Orale: 18th International Cryocooler Conference ICC 18 (Syracuse, NY, USA, June 9-12, 2014)
Low temperature high frequency coaxial pulse-tube for space applications
Charrier A, Charles I, Rousset B, Duval JM and Daniel C
Comm. Orale: 19th joint CEC-ICMC 2013 (Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013)
15 K pulse tube design for echo mission
Duval J-M, Charles I, Butterworth J, Chassaint C, Aigouy G and Mullié J
Comm. Poster: 19th joint CEC-ICMC 2013 (Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013)
Experimental validation of advanced regulations for superconducting magnet cooling undergoing periodic heat loads
Lagier B, Rousset B and Hoa C
Comm. Orale: 19th joint CEC-ICMC 2013 (Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013)
Conceptual design of the JT-60SA cryogenic system
Lamaison V, Beauvisage J, Fejoz P, Girard S, Gonvalves R, Gondé R, Heloin V, Michel F, Hoa C, Kamiya K, et al.
Comm. Orale: 19th joint CEC-ICMC 2013 (Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013)
Preliminary Analysis on Possible Experiments in HELIOS Investigations for Helium Mass Expulsion and Heat Exchange Coefficients in CICCS
Nicollet S, Lacroix B, Bernard A, Ciazynski D, Duchateau J-L, Hoa C, Lamaison V, Michel F, Poncet J-M and Rousset B
Comm. Orale: 10th CHATS in Applied Superconductivity Workshop (Cambridge, MA., October 9-10, 2013)
The SHREK superfluid Von Karman flow experiment
Rousset B, Bon-Mardion M, Bouleau E, Poncet J, Girard A, Diribarne P, Roche P, Gibert M, Hebral B, Castaing B, et al.
Comm. Orale: 19th joint CEC-ICMC 2013 (Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013)
Liquid 4He pressurized wind tunnel for high reynolds number turbulence experiments
Duri D, Baudet C, Charvin P, Diribarne P
Comm. Orale: 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC24 (Fukuoka, Japan, May 14-18, 2012)
Hot-wire measurements in a liquid 4He inertial round jet
Duri D, Moro, Diribarne P
Comm. Orale: Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference EFMC9 (Rome, Italy, September 9-13, 2012)
Hot-wire measurements in a high Reynolds number liquid 4He round jet : experimental hurdles and first results
Duri D, Moro JP, Diribarne P, Baudet C
Comm. Orale: 6th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference (London, UK., July, 11-12, 2012)
Hydrodynamic instabilities in a near-critical fluid
Gandikota G, Chatain D, Hitz D, Amiroudine S, Beysens D
Comm. Orale: Réunion 2012 du GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée (MFA) (Porticcio, France, October 09-12, 2012)
Les moyens de lévitation magnétique pour des fluides cryogéniques à Grenoble
Hitz D, Beysens D, Bonnay P, chartier J, Chatain D, Duplat J, Gandikota G, Garcia S, Jeandey C, Mathonnet JM, Nikolayev V, Beaugnon E, Debray F, Trophime C, Mailefert A
Réunion 2012 du GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée MFA (Porticcio, France, October 09-12, 2012)
Experimental investigations for smoothing pulsed heat loads on cryogenic circuits of superconducting magnets in JT-60SA tokamak
Hoa C, Lagier B, Rousset B, Vallcorbar- Carbonell R, Michel F, Poncet JM, Girard A, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M, Monteiro L, Roussel P
Comm. Orale: 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC24 (Fukuoka, Japan, May 14-18, 2012)
Dynamic modelling of a forced flow supercritical helium loop under EcosimPro,
Lagier B, Hoa C, Rousset; B, Michel F
Comm. Poster: 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC24 (Fukuoka, Japan, May 14-18, 2012)
Cryogenic Design of the JT-60SA Toroidal Field Coil Test Facility
Maksoud WA, Genini L, Decool P, Hoa C, Jamotton P, Juster FP, Lannou H, Medioni D, Millet F, Serrand A
Comm. Poster: 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology SOFT 2012 (Liège, Belgium, September 24-28, 2012)
Critical point as a tool to study boiling mechanisms
Nikolayev V, Charignon T, Chatain D, Janecek V, Hitz D, Beysens D, Lecoutre C, Garrabos Y
Comm. Plénière: 7th International Symposium on two-phase systems for ground and space applications (Beijing, China, September 17-22, 2012)
ITER Cryogenics system feasability studies at HELIOS test facility
Vallcorba R, Rousset B, Poncet JM, Maekawa R, Chang H, Forgeas A, Chalifour M, Bon-Mardion M
Comm. Poster: 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC24 (Fukuoka, Japan, May 14-18, 2012)
4C code modeling of the pulsed-load smoothing in the HELIOS facility using a bypass valve
Zanino R, Bonifetto R, Hoa C, Lagier B, Michel F, Rousset B, Savoldi Richard L
Comm. Poster: 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology SOFT 2012 (Liège, Belgium, September 24-28, 2012)
Forced flow supercritical helium in a closed heat transfer loop submitted to pulsed heat loads
Hoa C, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M, Charvin P, Cheynel JN, Girard A, Lagier B, Michel F, Monteiro L, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Rousset B, Vallcorba-Carbonell R
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC-ICMC 2011 (Spokane Washington, USA, June 13 -17, 2011)
Final cryogenic requirements for the JT-60SA tokamak
Michel F, Hitz D, Hoa C, Lamaison V, Kamiya K, Roussel P, Wanner M, Yoshida K
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC-ICMC 2011 (Spokane WA, USA, June 13-17, 2011)
0-D thermo hydraulic approach for predicting pressure and temperature along HELIOS SHe closed loop under pulsed
Rousset B, Hoa C, Lagier B, Vallcorba R
Comm. Orale: CHATS on Applied Superconductivity 2011 (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, October 12 -14, 2011)
Iter cryogenic system validation test at helios test facility
Vallcorba R, Rousset B, Poncet JM, Chang HS, Forgeas A, Maekawar R, Serio L, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M, Girard A, Hoa C, Lagier B, Michel F, Roussel P
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC-ICMC 2011 (Spokane, Washington, USA, June 13-17, 2011)
HELIOS helium loop for high loads smoothing: a cryogenic scaled down experiment of the cooling circuit of JT-60SA superconducting magnets
Hoa C, Bon-Mardion M, Bonnay P, Charvin P, Cheynel JN, Girard A, Lagier B, Michel F, Monteiro L, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Rousset B, Vallcorba-Carbonell R
23rd International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC 23 (Wroclaw, Poland, July 19-23, 2010)
Determination of heat loads at the interface of the JT-60SA cryogenic system
Lamaison V, Hitz D, Hoa C, Michel F, Reynaud P, Roussel P, Wanner M
Comm. Orale: 23rd International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC 23 (Wroclaw, Poland, July 19-23, 2010)
Management and Status of the European in-kind systems of the ITER Fuel Cycle
Lässer R, Papastergiou S, Piazza G, Day C, Haas H, Hanke S, Hauer V, Cristescu I, Michling R, Poncet JM, Pearce R, Antipenkov A, Dremel M, Mayaux C, Babineau D, Kazachenko O, Perevenzentsev A
9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology - Tritium2010 (Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010)
The European supplied components of the ITER Vacuum Pumping Systems
Papastergiou S, Lässer R, Piazza G, Wikus P, Day C, Haas H, Hanke S, Hauer V, Poncet JM, Pearce R, Antipenkov A, Dremel M, Mayaux C
Comm. Poster: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology - Tritium2010 (Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010)
The realisation of the ITER Vacuum System
Pearce R, Antipenkov A, Bersier JL, Boussier B, Bryan S, Dremel M, Hughes S, Kersevan R, Mayaux C, L.Worth, Wykes M, Baylor L, Gardner W, S.Meitner, Ramussen D, Papastergiou S, Lässer R, Piazza G, Day C, Poncet JM
Comm. Invitée (keynote): 18th International Vacuum Congress - IVC18 (Beijing, China, 23-27 August 2010)
Thermohydraulic investigation on the operation of the ITER torus and neutral beam injector cryopumps
Scannapiego M, Poncet JM, Day C, Hanke S, Hauer V, Papastergiou S, Dremel M, Mayaux C
Comm. Poster: 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology - SOFT2010 (Porto, Portugal, 27 September - 1 October 2010)
Monte carlo approach to define the refrigerator capacities for JT-60SA
Wanner W, Lamaison V, Reynaud P, Michel F, Roussel P, Barabaschi P
Comm. Poster: 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology SOFT2010 (Porto, Portugal, 27 September - 1 October 2010)
Design status of the cryogenic system and operation mode analysis of the JT-60SA Tokamak
Roussel P, Michel F, Hoa C, Reynaud P, Lamaison V, Wanner M
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2009 (Tucson, USA, 29 June-2 July 2009)
Preliminary studies of the JU-60SA cryogenic system
Roussel P, Michel F, Hoa C, Reynaud P, Lamaison V, Wanner M, Balaguer D, Maréchal J, Gros G
Comm. Poster: Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2009 (Tucson, USA, 29 June-2 July 2009)
Introduction of a saturated bath in vincenta models : application to the cryogenic system for JT-60SA Tokamak
Rousset B, Roussel P, Michel F, Hitz D
Comm. Orale: Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2009 (Tucson, USA, 28 June-2 July 2009)
Analyse thermohydraulique du système cryogénique d'ITER
Vallcorba R, Bessette D, Rajainmaki H, Vostner A
Comm. Poster: 9èmes Journées de cryogénie et de supraconductivité (Aussois, France, 25-27 March 2009)
Dynamic simulation of an helium refrigerator
Deschildre C, Baffaud A, Bonnay P, Briend P, Girard A, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Sequeira SE
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 53a and 53b 985 (2008) 475-482
TSF experiment for comparison of high Reynolds number turbulence in both HeI and HeII: First results
Rousset B, Baudet C, Mardion MB, Castaing B, Communal D, Daviaud F, Diribarne P, Dubrulle B, Forgeas A, Gagne Y, Girard A, Hebral B, Roche PE, Roussel P, Thibault P
AIP Conference Proceedings 985 (2008) 633-640
Investigation of a test loop for the cooling system of the iter TF coil under pulsed heat load
Rousset B, Girard A, Maze S, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Kalinin V, Murdoch D, Sanmarti M
AIP Conference Proceedings 985 (2008) 1708-1715
Etude des entrées de chaleur accidentelles dans un réservoir d'Hélium supercritique. Méthode de calcul du flux de chaleur.
Bardinet L, Poncet J, Gully P, Lemonnier H
Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 07) (Grenoble, France, 27 August 07 au 31 August 07)
Dynamic Simulation of an Helium Refrigerator.
Deschildre C, Barraud A, Bonnay P, Briend P, Girard A, Poncet J, Roussel P, Sequeira SE
Cryogenic Engineering Conference (Chattanooga, USA, 16 July 07 au 20 July 07)
Dynamic simulation of a large scale helium refrigerator: The 400 Watt @1.8k test facility.
Deschildre C, Roussel P, Bonnay P, Girard A, Poncet J, Barraud A, Briend P, Sequeira SE
6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (Ljubljana, Slovénie, 09-13 September 07)
The JT60SA cryoplant current design status.
Henry D, Roussel P, Michel F, Reynaud P, Journeaux JY, Marechal J, Balaguer D, Roux C, Matsukawa M, Yoshida K
CEC-ICMC 07 (Chattanooga, USA, 16 July 07 au 20 July 07)
TSF experiment for comparaison of high reynolds number turbulence in both He I and He II: First results.
Rousset B, Baudet C, Bon Mardion M, Castaing B, Communal D, Daviaud F, Diribarne P, Dubrulle B, Forgeas A, Gagne Y, Girard A, Hébral B, Roche P, Roussel P, Thibault P
Cryogenic Engineering Conference (Chattanooga, USA, 17 July 07 au 20 July 07)
Investigation of a test loop for the cooling system of the ITER TF coil under pulsed heat load.
Rousset B, Girard A, Maze S, Poncet J, Roussel P, Kalinin V, Murdoch D, Sanmarti M
Cryogenic Engineering Conference (Chattanooga, USA, 17 July 07 au 20 July 07)
Opitimization of the NED cryostat the thermal shielding with entropy minimization method.
Chorowski M, Polinski J, Baudouy B, Michel F, Van Weelderen R
International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (Prague, République Tchèque, 17-21 July 06)
Analysis of the ITER Cryoplant operational modes.
Henry D, Journeaux JY, Roussel P, Michel F, Poncet J, Girard A, Kalinin V, Chesny P
SOFT 2006 (Varsovie, Pologne, 11-15 September 06)
Performance of the Cryogenic Test Facility at CEA-Grenoble between 1.5K and 4.5K.
Roussel P, Girard A, Bon Mardion M, Rousset B, Poncet J
ICEC21. (Prague, République Tchèque, 17- 21 July 06)
Performance assessment of 239 series helium sub-cooling heat exchangers for the large hadron collider
Gilbert N, Roussel P, Riddone G, Moracchioli R, Tavian L
CEC-ICMC 05 (Keystone, USA, 2005)
Comparaison between normal and HeII twao phase flows at high vapor velocities
Perraud S, Rousset B, Thibault P, Weelderen Rv, Wolf PE
Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2005 (Keystone, Colorado, USA, 2005)
The 400 W at 1.8 K test facility at CEA Grenoble
Roussel P, Girard A, Jager B, Rousset B, Bonnay P, Millet F, Gully P
CEC-ICMC 05 (Keystone, USA, 2005)