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LRTH Proceedings

Published on 13 March 2019

Model-based minimization algorithm of a supercritical helium loop consumption subject to operational constraints
Bonne F, Bonnay P, Girard A, Hoa C, Lacroix B, Coz QL, Nicollet S, Poncet JM and Zani L
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 278 (2017) 012116

Modelling and Model-Based-Designed PID Control of the JT-60SA Cryogenic System Using the Simcryogenics Library
Bonne F, Bonnay P, Hoa C, Mahoudeau G and Rousset B
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012028

Performance of the JT-60SA cryogenic system under pulsed heat loads during acceptance tests
Hoa C, Bonne F, Roussel P, Lamaison V, Girard S, Fejoz P, Goncalves R, Vallet JC, Legrand J, Fabre Y, et al.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 278 (2017) 012104

Installation and pre-commissioning of the cryogenic system of JT-60SA tokamak
Hoa C, Michel F, Roussel P, Fejoz P, Girard S, Goncalves R, Lamaison V, Natsume K, Kizu K, Koide Y, et al.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012047

Cryogenic instrumentation for ITER magnets
Poncet J-M, Manzagol J, Attard A, Andre J, Bizel-Bizellot L, Bonnay P, Ercolani E, Luchier N, Girard A, Clayton N, et al.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012130


Dynamic simulations for preparing the acceptance test of JT-60SA cryogenic system
Cirillo R, Hoa C, Michel F, Poncet J-M and Rousset B
Cryogenics 80 (2016) 274-283

Modelization of the thermal coupling between the ITER TF coil conductor and the structure cooling circuit
Gauthier F, Bessette D, Hoa C, Rousset B and Lacroix B
Cryogenics 80 (2016) 294-304

Using the HELIOS facility for assessment of bundle-jacket thermal coupling in a CICC
Lacroix B, Rousset B, Cloez H, Decool P, Duchateau JL, Hoa C, Luchier N, Nicollet S and Topin F
Cryogenics 80 (2016) 374-384

Explicit Model Predictive Control via Nonlinear Piecewise Approximations
Trinh V-V, Alamir M, Bonnay P and Bonne F
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (2016) 259-264

Construction Status of the Superconducting Magnet System for JT-60SA
Yoshida K, Kizu K, Tsuchiya K, Murakami H, Natsume K, Koide Y, Davis S, Tomarchio V, Wanner M, Decool P, et al.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (2016) 4204906


Series Supply of Cryogenic Venturi Flowmeters for the ITER Project
Andre J, Poncet JM, Ercolani E, Clayton N and Journeaux JY
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2015) UNSP 012155

A Simulink Library of cryogenic components to automatically generate control schemes for large Cryorefrigerators
Bonne F, Alamir M, Hoa C, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M and Monteiro L
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2015) UNSP 012171

Thermal-hydraulic analysis of transients in the HELIOS loop including a CICC section representative of the JT-60SA Central Solenoid
Carli S, Bonifetto R, Hoa C, Savoldi L and Zanino R
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2015) UNSP 012147

Dynamic simulations of the cryogenic system of a tokamak
Cirillo R, Hoa C, Michel F, Poncet JM and Rousset B
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2015) UNSP 012158

Heat load estimator for smoothing pulsed heat loads on supercritical helium loops
Hoa C, Lagier B, Rousset B, Bonnay P and Michel F
Physics Procedia 67 (2015) 1147-1152

Experimental and numerical investigations for the operation of large scale helium supercritical loops subjected to pulsed heat loads in tokamaks
Hoa C, Lagier B, Rousset B, Michel F and Roussel P
Physics Procedia 67 (2015) 54-59

Experimental characterization of the ITER TF structure cooling in HELIOS test facility
Hoa C, Rousset B, Lacroix B, Nicollet S, Vallcorba R, Bessette D, Vostner A and Gauthier F
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2015) UNSP 012148

Cryogenic turbulence test facilities at CEA/SBT
Rousset B, Baudet C, Bon-Mardion M, Bourgoin M, Braslau A, Daviaud F, Diribarne P, Dubrulle B, Gagne Y, Gallet B, et al.
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2015) 012187
HAL <cea-01367182>


Low Temperature High Frequency Coaxial Pulse Tube For Space Application
Charrier A, Charles I, Rousset B, Duval J-M and Daniel C
AIP Conference Proceedings 1573 (2014) 1010-1017

Experimental Validation of Advanced Regulations for Superconducting Magnet Cooling Undergoing Periodic Heat Loads
Lagier B, Rousset B, Hoa C and Bonnay P
AIP Conference Proceedings 1573 (2014) 1602-1609

Conceptual Design of the JT-60SA Cryogenic System
Lamaison V, Beauvisage J, Fejoz P, Girard S, Gonvalves R, Gonde R, Heloin V, Michel F, Hoa C, Kamiya K, et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1573 (2014) 337-344

Verification of the Predictive Capabilities of the 4C Code Cryogenic Circuit Model
Zanino R, Bonifetto R, Hoa C and Richard LS
AIP Conference Proceedings 1573 (2014) 1586-1593
AIP Conference Proceedings


Progress in the design of ITER front-end vacuum instrumentation and controls
Boussier B, Bryan S, Dremel M, Fourneron J-M, Mayaux C, Pearce R, Saunders P, Mokashi D, Poncet J-M and Diribarne P
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (2013) 831-834

0-D thermo-hydraulic approach for predicting pressure and temperature along HELIOS SHe closed loop under pulsed loads
Rousset B, Hoa C, Lagier B and Vallcorba R
Cryogenics 53 (2013) 7-16


Forced flow supercritical helium in a closed heat transfer loop subjected to pulsed heat loads
Hoa C, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M, Charvin P, Cheynel JN, Girard A, Lagier B, Michel F, Monteiro L, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Rousset B, Vallcorba-Carbonell R
AIP Conference Proceedings 1434 (2012) 1943-1950

Impact of TF Magnet Mass Flow on Conductor Margin and on Cryogenic System of JT-60SA
Lacroix B, Portafaix C, Duchateau JL, Hertout P, Lamaison V, Michel F, Nicollet S, Zani L
Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (2012) 4202004

Dynamic Simulation of Sub-Scale ITER CS/STR Cooling Loop
Maekawa R, Oba K, Takami S, Iwamoto A, Chang HS, Forgeas A, Serio L, Vallocorba R, Rousset B, Hoa C, Monteiro L
Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (2012) 4704004

Cryogenic requirements for the JT-60SA Tokamak
Michel F, Hitz D, Hoa C, Lamaison V, Kamiya K, Roussel P, Wanner M, Yoshida K
AIP Conference Proceedings 1434 (2012) 78-85

ITER cryogenic system validation tests at helios test facility
Vallcorba R, Rousset B, Poncet JM, Chang HS, Forgeas A, Maekawa R, Serio L, Bonnay P, Bon-Mardion M, Girard A, Hoa C, Lagier B, Michel F, Roussel P
AIP Conference Proceedings 1434 (2012) 1415-1423

The Manufacturing of the Superconducting Magnet System for the JT-60SA
Yoshida K, Kizu K, Tsuchiya K, Murakami H, Kamiya K, Peyrot M, Zani L, Wanner M, Barabaschi P, Heller R, Michel F
Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (2012) 4200304


Vorticity scattering measurements in a superfluid inertial round jet
Duri D, Salort J, Diribarne P, Roche PE, Baudet C
Journal of Physics Conference Series 318 (2011) 092027

The European Supplied Components of the ITER Vacuum Pumping Systems
Papastergiou S, Lasser R, Piazza G, Wikus P, Day C, Haas H, Hanke S, Hauer V, Poncet JM, Antipenkov A, Dremel M, Mayaux C, Pearce R, Fellin F
Fusion Science and Technology 60 (2011) 873-876

Monte Carlo approach to define the refrigerator capacities for JT-60SA
Wanner M, Barabaschi P, Lamaison V, Michel F, Reynaud P, Roussel P
Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (2011) 1511-1513


Determination of heat loads at the interface of the JT-60SA cryogenic system
Lamaison V, Hitz D, Hoa C, Michel F, Reynaud P, Roussel P, Wanner M
Proceedings of the 23rd Interenational Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC 23) (2010) 809

Design status of the cryogenic system and operation modes analysys of the jt-60sa tokamak
Roussel P, Hoa C, Lamaison V, Michel F, Reynaud P, Wanner M
AIP Conference Proceedings 1218 (2010) 1445-1452

Introduction of a saturated bath in vincenta models: application to the cryogenic system for jt-60sa tokamak
Rousset B, Roussel P, Michel F, Hitz D
AIP Conference Proceedings 1218 (2010) 1468-1475


TSF Experiment for comparision of high Reynold's number turbulence in He i and He II: First results
Diribarne P, Salort J, Baudet C, Belier B, Castaing B, Chevillard L, Daviaud F, David S, Dubrulle B, Gagne Y, Girard A, Rousset B, Tabeling P, Thibault P, Willaime H, Roche PE
Advances in Turbulence XII - Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference (2009) 701-704

Turbulent cascade of a quantum fluid at finite temperature
Lévêque E, Barenghi CF, Diribarne P, Roche PE
Advances in Turbulence XII - Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference (2009) 281-284


Dynamic simulation of an helium refrigerator
Deschildre C, Baffaud A, Bonnay P, Briend P, Girard A, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Sequeira SE
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 53a and 53b 985 (2008) 475-482

TSF experiment for comparison of high Reynolds number turbulence in both HeI and HeII: First results
Rousset B, Baudet C, Mardion MB, Castaing B, Communal D, Daviaud F, Diribarne P, Dubrulle B, Forgeas A, Gagne Y, Girard A, Hebral B, Roche PE, Roussel P, Thibault P
AIP Conference Proceedings 985 (2008) 633-640

Investigation of a test loop for the cooling system of the iter TF coil under pulsed heat load
Rousset B, Girard A, Maze S, Poncet JM, Roussel P, Kalinin V, Murdoch D, Sanmarti M
AIP Conference Proceedings 985 (2008) 1708-1715


Analysis of the ITER cryoplant operational modes
Henry D, Journeaux JY, Roussel P, Michel F, Poncet JM, Girard A, Kalinin V, Chesny P
Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (2007) 1454-1459


Multipurpose superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source, the European roadmap to third-generation electron cyclotron resonance ion sources
Ciavola G, Gammino S, Celona L, Torrisi L, Passarello S, Ando L, Cavenago M, Galata A, Spaedtke P, Tinschert K, Lang R, Iannucci R, Leroy R, Barue C, Hitz D, Seyfert P, Koivisto H, Suominen P, Tarvainen O, Beijers H, Brandenburg S, Vanrooyen D, Hill C, Kuchler D, Homeyer H, Rohrich J, Schachter L, Dobrescu S
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (2006) 03A303

Performance assessment of 239 series helium sub-cooling heat exchangers for the large hadron collider
Gilbert N, Roussel P, Riddone G, Moracchioli R, Tavian L
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 523-530

Performance assessment of 35 cold hydrodynamic compressors for the 1.8 K refrigeration units of the lhc
Millet F, Claudet S, Ferlin G
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 1837-1844

Comparison between normal and HeII two-phase flows at high vapor velocities
Perraud S, Rousset B, Thibault P, van Weelderen R, Wolf PE
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 1669-1676

The 400W at 1.8K test facility at CEA-Grenoble
Roussel P, Girard A, Jager B, Rousset B, Bonnay P, Millet F, Gully P
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 1420-1427

Design of a very large pulse tube cryocooler for HTS cable application
Tanchon J, Ercolani E, Trollier T, Ravex A, Poncet JM
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 661-668


Herschel sorption coolers qualification models
Duband L, Clerc RL, Guillemet L, Vallcorba R
Cryocoolers 13 (2005)

Production of highly charged. heavy ions by means of a hybrid source in Dc mode and in afterglow mode
Gammino S, Ciavola G, Torrisi L, Ando L, Celona L, Presti M, Manciagli S, Picciotto A, Mezzasalma AM, Krasa J et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings 749 (2005) 15-18

GTS-LHC: A new source for the LHC ion injector chain
Hill CE, Kuchler D, Scrivens R, Hitz D, Guillemet L, Leroy R, Pacquet JY
AIP Conference Proceedings 749 (2005) 127-130

An all-permanent magnet ECR ion source for the ORNL MIRF upgrade project
Hitz D, Delaunay M, Girard A, Guillemet L, Mathonnet JM, Chartier J, Meyer FW
AIP Conference Proceedings 749 (2005) 123-126

Design study of a hybrid ECRIS
Hitz D, Girard A, Guillaume D, Guillemet L, Seyfert P, Poncet JM, Sun LT
AIP Conference Proceedings 749 (2005) 157-160

Theoretical and experimental studies of the extracted MCI beam from an ECR ion source
Sun LT, Cao Y, Zhao HW, Guo XH, Zhang ZM, Feng YC, Li JY, Ma L, Li J, Zhao HY et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings 749 (2005) 227-230