Published on 13 March 2019
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Ultra-Low Temperature Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Bouleau E, Lee D, Saint-Bonnet P, Hediger S and De Paepe G
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012142
Towards the conceptual design of the cryogenic system of the Future Circular Collider (FCC)
Chorowski M, Correia Rodrigues H, Delikaris D, Duda P, Haberstroh C, Holdener F, Klöppel S, Kotnig C, Millet F, Polinski J, et al.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 278 (2017) 012097
In situ investigation of liquid films in pulsating heat pipe
Fourgeaud L, Nikolayev VS, Ercolani E, Duplat J and Gully P
Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 1023-1028
HAL <cea-01687377>
Cryogenic instrumentation for ITER magnets
Poncet J-M, Manzagol J, Attard A, Andre J, Bizel-Bizellot L, Bonnay P, Ercolani E, Luchier N, Girard A, Clayton N, et al.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012130
Efficient production and diagnostics of MeV proton beams from a cryogenic hydrogen ribbon
Velyhan A, Giuffrida L, Scuderi V, Perin J-P, Chatain D, Garcia Sp, Bonnay P, Dostal J, Ullschmied J, Dudzak R, et al.
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (2017) C06024
Magnetic compensation of gravity in fluids: performance and constraints
Mailfert A, Beysens D, Chatain D and Lorin C
European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 71 (2015) 10902
HAL <hal-01281812>
Solid hydrogen target for laser driven proton acceleration
Perin JP, Garcia S, Chatain D and Margarone D
Proceedings of SPIE 9514 (2015) 951412
Nonlinear vacuum gas flow through a short tube due to pressure and temperature gradients
Pantazis S, Naris S, Tantos C, Valougeorgis D, Andre J, Millet F and Perin JP
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (2013) 2384-2387
Cryogenic cooling for high power laser amplifiers
Perin JP, Millet F, Divoky M and Rus B
EPJ Web of Conferences 59 (2013) 08005
Development and test of a cryogenic pulsating heat pipe and a pre-cooling system
Bonnet F, Gully P, Nikolayev V
AIP Conference Proceedings 1434 (2012) 607-614
Non Marangoni motion of a bubble under a temperature gradient
Beysens D, Pichavant G, Chatain D, Nikolayev VS, Lecoutre C, Garrabos Y
Proceedings of the 62th International Astronautical Congress IAC-11 (2011) A2.6.7
A coil test facility for the cryogenic tests of the JT-60SA TF coils
Chantant M, Genini L, Bayetti P, Millet F, Wanner M, Massaut V, Della Corte A, Ardelier-Desage F, Catherine-Dumont V, Dael A, Decool P, Donati A, Duchateau JL, Garibaldi P, Girard S, Hatchressian JC, Fejoz P, Jamotton P, Jourdheuil L, Juster FP, Kuster O, Lebourg P, Leroux F, Molinie F, Renard B, Reynaud P, Schild T, Spuig P, Turtu S, Vieillard L, Walter C
Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (2011) 561-564
HiPER laser cooling system elements
Guillaume D
Proceedings of SPIE 8080 (2011) 808025
HiPER Tritium factory elements
Guillaume D
Proceedings of SPIE 8080 (2011) 808024
Magnetic-Field Modulation of Gravity: Martian, Lunar, and Time-Varying Gravity
Lorin C, Mailfert A, Chatain D
Microgravity Science and Technology 23 (2011) 135-142
Evolution and progress of the cryogenic target shroud remover prototypes developed for the lmj facility
Manzagol J, Paquignon G, Brisset D, Bonnay P, Bouleau E, Chatain D, Chichoux M, Communal D, Lamaison V, Perin JP
Fusion Science and Technology 59 (2011) 159-165
Overview on Materials and Technological Developments for the Lmj Cryogenic Target Assembly
Reneaume B, Allegre G, Botrel R, Bourcier H, Bourdenet R, Breton O, Collier R, Dauteuil C, Durut F, Faivre A, Fleury E, Geoffray I, Geoffray G, Jeannot L, Jehanno L, Legaie O, Legay G, Meux S, Paquignon G, Perin JP, Schunk J, Theobald M, Vasselin C, Viargues F
Fusion Science and Technology 59 (2011) 148-154
Outline of the ELI-Beamlines facility
Rus B, Batysta F, Cap J, Divoky M, Fibrich M, Griffiths M, Haley R, Havlicek T, Hlavac M, Hrebicek J, Homer P, Hribek P, Jand'ourek J, Juha L, Korn G, Korous P, Koselja M, Kozlova M, Kramer D, Krus M, Lagron JC, Limpouch J, MacFarlane L, Maly M, Margarone D, Matlas P, Mindl L, Moravec J, Mocek T, Nejdl J, Novak J, Olsovcova V, Palatka M, Perin JP, Peslo M, Polan J, Prokupek J, Ridky J, Rohlena K, Ruzicka V, Sawicka M, Scholzova L, Snopek D, Strkula P, Sveda L
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8080 (2011) 808010
Repetition Rate Target and Fusion Chamber Systems for HiPER
Rus B, Edwards C, Tyldesley M, Griffiths M, le Garrec B, Perlado M, Perin JP, Guillaume D, Neely D, Polan J, Kozlova M, Homer P, Nejdl J, Sanders S, Havlik P, Kopecky M, Kolarik V, Papirek T, Hlavac M, Haley R, MacFarlane L, Alexander N
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8080 (2011) 808020
HiPER Targetry: Production and Strategy
Tolley M, ben Said F, Koresheva E, Perin JP, Perlado JM, Schaumann G, Schurtz G, Spindloe C
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8080 (2011) 808023
Tritium Facilities for the LMJ Cryogenic Targets
Vincent-Viry O, Bachelet F, Collier R, Fleury E, Legaie O, Jeannot L, Perin JP, Viargues F
Fusion Science and Technology 60 (2011) 885-888
Using supercritical fluids to transport heat on long distances: An assessment
Beysens D, Chatain D, Nikolayev VS, Ouazzani J, Garrabos Y
Proceedings of the 60th International Astronautical Congress (2010) 526-536
Commissioning of the cryogenics of the lhc long straight sections
Perin A, Casas-Cubillos J, Claudet S, Darve C, Ferlin G, Millet F, Parente C, Rabehl R, Soubiran M, van Weelderen R, Wagner U
AIP Conference Proceedings 1218 (2010) 1309-1316
The cryogenic studying and filling facilities for the laser megajoule targets
Bachelet F, Vincent-Viry O, Collier R, Fleury E, Jeannot L, Legaie O, Pascal G, Perin JP, Viargues F
Fusion Science and Technology 55 (2009) 237-243
Experience with silver coated vacuum vessel thermal shield at 80 K in Tore Supra
Lipa M, Martinez A, Lacroix B, Chatain D
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering SOFE (2009) 1 - 4
Development of a Cryogenic Target Delivery System for HiPER
Perin JP, Perlado M, Tolley M
Fusion Science and Technology 56 (2009) 405-408
Tritium facilities for the LMJ cryogenic targets
Fleury E, Bachelet F, Collier R, Legaie O, Pascal G, Vincent-Viry O, Dupont JL, Perin JP, Viargues F
Fusion Science and Technology 54 (2008) 367-370
Target Manufacturing and Delivery for HiPER
Perin JP, Perlado JM, Tolley M
5th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 112 (2008)
Cryogenic target handling, transfer and positioning system for the Laser MegaJoule
Brisset D, Lamaison V, Paquignon G, Perin JP, Bouleau E, Chatain D, Manzagol J
Fusion Science and Technology 52 (2007) 473-477
The JET high frequency pellet injector project
Geraud A, Dentan M, Whitehead A, Butcher P, Communal D, Faisse F, Gedney J, Gros G, Guillaume D, Hackett L, Hennion V, Homfray D, Lucock R, McKivitt J, Sibbald M, Portafaix C, Perin JP, Reade M, Sands D, Saille A, Symonds I, Watson M, Worth L, Vinyar I
Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (2007) 2183-2188
Laser megajoule cryogenic target: A path from automatic transfer to laser shot conditions
Paquignon G, Brisset D, Lamaison V, Manzagol J, Bonnay P, Bouleau E, Chatain D, Communal D, Perin JP
Fusion Science and Technology 51 (2007) 764-768
Study of fluid behaviour under gravity compensated by a magnetic field
Chatain D, Beysens D, Madet K, Nikolayev V, Mailfert A
Microgravity - Science and Technology 18 (2006) 196-199
ITER cryogenic system
Kalinin V, Tada E, Millet F, Shatil N
Fusion Engineering and Design 81 (2006) 2589-2595
Automatic transfer between two cryogenic robots for the Laser Megajoule facility
Paquignon G, Manzagol J, Lamaison V, Brisset D, Chatain D, Bonnay P, Bouleau E, Perin JP
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 178-185
The 400W at 1.8K test facility at CEA-Grenoble
Roussel P, Girard A, Jager B, Rousset B, Bonnay P, Millet F, Gully P
AIP Conference Proceedings 823 (2006) 1420-1427
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